Santiburi Koh Samui

Immerse in luxury with a conscience at Santiburi Koh Samui. The hotel embraces sustainable practices like local sourcing, water conservation, and community support. Enjoy paradise preserved.

Santiburi Koh Samui prioritizes sustainability alongside its luxurious experiences. They actively reduce their environmental impact through practices like using energy-saving appliances, recycling water and waste, and sourcing local ingredients. The resort even supports the community and boasts a solar power system, water treatment plant, and composting program. These efforts have earned them a Green Globe™ Certification, solidifying their commitment to preserving Koh Samui’s natural beauty.


  • Energy and water conservation: They have implemented strategies to save energy and water, such as using energy-efficient appliances and low-flow fixtures.
  • Waste management: They recycle greywater and waste, and use non-chemical pesticides in their gardens.
  • Local sourcing: They source local products whenever possible to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Community support: They support community projects through funding and volunteer assistance.



Green Hotel Award - Gold Level


Green Globe Certified Hotel